Personality Part 2

Personality Part 2: Secondary Traits

If you’ve filled out everything in Part 1, you already have enough for a serviceable personality profile. It will cover the large majority of situations you are likely to encounter. If you are looking for more, The Guide is here to serve! Below you can flesh out your character’s sense of humor, religion, habits, hobbies, favorite topics, group affiliations, and even some mental disorders. As before, each of these are entirely optional and only need to be filled out if you think they will enhance your overall gaming experience.

Sense of Humor

1-10% Crude 51-60 Prankster
11-20 Dry 61-70 Mean-spirited
21-30 Slapstick 71-80 Gleeful
31-40 Jokey 81-90 Surreal
41-50 Cynical 91-100 None

Favorite Topics of Conversation

What does your character like to talk about? It can be helpful to list out three or four topics that your character defaults to in casual social situations. The basic rule of thumb is that people like to talk about what they are good at and things they find interesting. So, look at your character’s skills, hobbies, training, and background to see what they might be into. It’s a good idea to come up with specifics, but some general topic areas to consider include:

  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Relationships
  • Work/profession/money
  • Entertainment—music, art, dance, games
  • Hobbies and pastimes
  • Current events
  • Philosophy
  • Science
  • Humor

Group Affiliations

An optional component might be adding groups that your character identifies with. Affiliation plays an important role in how people actually act, and this can add another role-playing dimension as well. Quite simply, this comes down to deciding which general groups your character fits into and whose members they accept as “one of their own.”

For example, if your character enjoys playing dice, this can mean more than just the activity, it can also mean identifying with dicers as a general group. Of course, it’s easy to pick groups based on class or race, but choosing non-obvious groups can make for more interesting play. A good place to start might be to look at your hobbies, any past professions, or religion. Also, after you finish your background, come back to this section and see if any groups pop out from your character’s unique history.

Religion and Spirituality

ADHERENCEStrength of belief or association with a religious system
1-25% Non-believer; 26-50 Agnostic; 51-75 Casual adherent; 86-100 Orthodox adherent
TOLERANCEWillingness to accept differences of belief in others
0-33% inclusive; 34-66 tolerant; 67-100 intolerant
RELIGIOUS DEMEANORHow your character tends to acts in regards to religious beliefs
Expression of beliefs: 0-33% none; 34-66 occasional; 67-100 constant
Converting others: 0-33% never; 34-66 casual; 67-100 aggressive
Attitude: 0-20% irreverent; 21-40 fearful; 41-60 judgmental; 61-80 humble; 81-100 ecstatic
1-20 Church Generally an established, hierarchical organization
21-40 Cult A large or small group usually attached to a single charismatic leader
41-60 Fellowship Small group(s) that lack formal organization and a charismatic leader
61-80 Solitary When a character either has unique beliefs or chooses not to affiliate religiously with others
81-100 Indigenous Religious traditions within a cultural group, such as a family or village
RELIGIOUS ROLESAlso useful for background information in Part II: Background
1-7% Abbot/Abbess Leader of a monastery or convent.
8-13% Cult Leader Usually a charismatic head of a small group of highly devoted followers
14-20% Disciple Dedicated follower of a religious teacher or leader
21-26% Guru Spiritual teacher
27-33% Hermit One who follows a solitary and isolated spiritual path
34-40% Inquisitor An official tasked with finding and “correcting” people who have broken religious rules
41-46% Jihadist A religious warrior
47-53% Missionary Dedicated to converting others, usually in distant geographic areas
54-59% Monk/Nun Belongs to a monastery or convent
60-66% Patriarch/Matriarch Leader of an organized religion, such as a pope
67-73% Pilgrim One traveling to a holy site or landmark
74-79% Priest/Priestess Someone authorized to administer sacraments as an ordained member of a church
80-86% Prophet One inspired to utter revelations or predictions, often in service to a specific deity
87-93% Sacred Courtesan Has sex, often with strangers, in service to a religion and for a symbolic price
94-100% Shaman A medium between the material and spirit world who practices healing and divination

Quirks, Habits, and Oddities

These are small behaviors that a character can engage in as a way to give extra flavor to gameplay. Some are pretty innocuous (e.g. humming, lip biting) while others can provide some very interesting gaming opportunities (e.g. exhibitionism, sleepwalking).

1-2% Humming 51-52% Constant eating
3-4 Dancing 53-54 Pacing
5-6 Sleepwalking 55-56 Blade sharpening
7-8 Facial tics 57-58 Counting
9-10 Exhibitionism 59-60 Hair pulling
11-12 Fingernail biting 61-62 Snoring
13-14 Eavesdropping 63-64 Walking backwards
15-16 Daydreaming 65-66 Teeth sucking
17-18 Talking in sleep 67-68 Excessively touching others
19-20 Stuttering 69-70 Substance use (non-addicted)
21-22 Compulsive lying 71-72 Hair pulling
23-24 Whistling 73-74 Animal hater
25-26 Name dropping 75-76 Insomnia
27-28 Self-inflict pain/injury 77-78 Beard/hair stroking
29-30 Mumbling 79-80 Nose picking
31-32 Constant grooming 81-82 Needless apologizing
33-34 Foot tapping 83-84 Exaggeration
35-36 Lip biting/licking 85-86 Superstitious (omens, luck, etc.)
37-38 Coin flipping 87-88 Belching
39-40 Chewing (e.g. sticks, small bones) 89-90 Sleeping in odd places
41-42 Knuckle cracking 91-92 Repeating others
43-44 Collects odd things 93-94 Smelling things
45-46 Singing 95-96 Teeth picking
47-48 Snacking (nuts, seeds, etc.) 97-98 Stealing
49-50 Reciting poetry 99-100 Tree climbing

Hobbies and Enjoyments

1-2% Acrobatics 51-52% Glassmaking
3-4 Acting 53-54 Animal racing
5-6 Astrology 55-56 Horse riding
7-8 Music appreciation 57-58 Hunting
9-10 Theatre 59-60 Invention
11-12 Gaming (e.g. chess) 61-62 Jewelry making
13-14 Boating/Sailing 63-64 Jousting
15-16 Collecting 65-66 Juggling
17-18 Calligraphy 67-68 Metalwork
19-20 Cards 69-70 Painting
21-22 Carving 71-72 Philosophizing
23-24 Combat competition 73-74 Reading
25-26 Cooking 75-76 Research
27-28 Dancing 77-78 Riddles
29-30 Dicing 79-80 Sewing
31-32 Animal fighting 81-82 Sports (Wrestling, racing, etc)
33-34 Eating 83-84 Storytelling
35-36 Drinking 85-86 Swimming
37-38 Embroidery 87-88 Art appreciation
39-40 Falconry 89-90 Weaving
41-42 Fishing 91-92 Woodworking
43-44 Fortune-telling 93-94 Writing
45-46 Singing 95-96 Playing an instrument
47-48 Gambling 97-98 Pipe smoking
49-50 Gardening 99-100 Bird watching

Mental Disorders

These are common (modern) human mental/emotional disorders. It seems unlikely that most players would want their character to have a debilitating problem, although it could certainly make for interesting play. This option might be better suited to NPCs, giving the GM something other than flat characters to play. This list can also be used as ideas for hideous curses or divine punishment. This list is by no means complete and gives only cursory descriptions.

Mental Disorders
1-10% Addiction Chronic, compulsive drug/activity indulgence, despite harmful consequences. Can decide if it is mild, moderate, or severe.
11-20% Amnesia Severe memory loss; can be loss before a certain point (retrograde) or after (anterograde).
21-30% Bipolar Disorder Erratic swings from periods of mania to major depression.
31-40% PTSD Anxiety disorder developed after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal resulting in potential re-experiencing of the ordeal, nightmares, hypervigilance, trouble sleeping, being easily startled, and avoidance of anything that is a reminder of the event.
41-50% Major Depression Impaired physical functions (e.g., sleep, appetite); loss of interest and pleasure; low energy & motivation; possibly accompanied by severe pessimism, hopelessness, guilt, and suicidal thoughts/intent.
51-60% Fugue Abrupt travel away from home, an inability to remember important aspects of one’s life, and the partial or complete adoption of a new identity.
61-70% Hypochondria Preoccupation with fears of having a serious disease or physical problem based on little or no real evidence.
71-80% Schizophrenia Delusions (unreal beliefs, e.g. savior complex or assigning unusual significance or meaning to normal events); hallucinations (unreal sensations, usually auditory, i.e. “voices”); disorganized speech; grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior; paranoia.
81-90% OCD Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder described the existence of both regular compulsions (overwhelming need to engage in a ritualized behavior) and obsessions (persistent, often irrational, and seemingly uncontrollable thoughts).
91-100% Phobia Extreme anxiety and fear associated with an object or situation. Can include anything, for instance: specific monsters/animals, fire/water, heights, magic, open/enclosed spaces, heights, or darkness.

Personality Part 1
Primary Motivator and Core Traits
Childhood info, mysteries, quests